Monday, June 15, 2009

Prayer: To genuinely smile again

If I didn’t have these two I would not be here.
1. Faith
2. Hope
I would have walked long-long ago.

If it was not for you, I know I would not be putting my heart through the yearlong aches. But I thank you because at worst you are giving me hope and I’m building faith, as I desire to discover why all the hurt will be worth it.

Arghhhhhhhhhhhh Help me forget the doubts, which obviously I falsely thought I’d conquered. I’m sick of stumbling; I want to be where I was! I’m not even asking to be better, I strive for this simple request to meekly be what I ‘used to be’.

I know not to look at the past, I’ve had three years to learn that one, but STILL nothing, nothing is releasing a hint of progress in the present. I want to run to a place a place with an edge, tempt myself however only scream, releasing the desperation that is building up with every consecutive fail. I don’t have an edge to scream from so I just stand level and attempt to scream as i produce... ‘silence’.

As I strive for my goals, I will disguise my desperation with silence.
I’ll talk to you in my silence; I’m leaving plenty of room for an answer.

Whatever I try.. I can’t win.

But, If I don’t try.. I can’t win.

How do I win?

Help me find the answer?

Faith and Hope, is all I have left to try.


Every effort I where your symbol above my heart, to remind myself ‘faith’ in you, while I also know this equally represents faith in myself too.
Help me win this, four trying years is something I fear will pull me down and... away. Please help me find the answer, don’t let me fall short again. Please please please. Desperate.

So finally I pray for a smile, this is all I hope for.


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